[විෂය නිර්දේශයට අයත් විෂයන් අධ්යයනය]
1. General administration 2. Anatomy and physiology
3. Hematology
4. Microbiology
5. Parasitology
6. Bio statistics
7. Sociology
8. Simple map reading
9. Oral health
10. Educational science
11. Medical entomology
12. Food safety
13. School health
14. Community mental health
15. Environmental health
- Introduction to Environmental health
- Disposal of human excreta
- Management of solid waste
- Sanitation fairs and festivals
- Sanitation in welfare centers
- Rodent control
- Disaster preparedness and management
- Sanitation in medical care institutions
- Housing sanitation
- Disposal of dead
- Sewage and sewerage
- Sanitation in public institutions
- Dairy sanitation
- Management of environmental health collaboration with central environmental authority (CEA)
- Water supply
- Occupational health
16. Plan drawing and interpretation
17. Building constriction
18. Epidemiology ***
19. Non communicable diseases
20. Family health ***
- Maternal care
- Infant and child care
- Adolescent health
- Elderly care
- Family planning
- Nutrition
21. Health promotion and health education
22. Primary health care and community development
23. Health planning and management
24. Public health legislation ***
- Legal procedure
- Drugs and lows related to drugs
25. National health information system
26. First – aid
[අනු පැවරුම් කියවන්න]
[ප්රධාන පැවරුම් කියවන්න]
[අනු පැවරුම් කියවන්න]
[ප්රධාන පැවරුම් කියවන්න]